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Find one that works for you

  • Silver Membership

    Every month
    Single therapy session per month
    • Single monthly appointment
    • Confidential telephone conversations
    • Individual counselling
    • Trauma-informed therapy
    • Adult-work support
    • Trigger support
    • Adultery guidance
    • Self development tasks
    • Sexuality exploration
    • Addiction support
    • Positive affirmations
    • Cancel anytime
  • Gold membership.

    Every month
    Keep on top of your mental health with bi-weekly therapy sessions.
    • Bi-weekly appointment!
    • Confidential telephone conversations
    • Individual counselling
    • Trauma-informed therapy
    • Adult-work support
    • Trigger support
    • Adultery guidance
    • Self development tasks
    • Sexuality exploration
    • Addiction support
    • Positive affirmations
    • Cancel anytime
  • Platinum Membership

    Every month
    Exclusive weekly Package.
    • Weekly appointments
    • Confidential telephone conversations
    • Individual counselling
    • Trauma-informed therapy
    • Adult-work support
    • Trigger support
    • Adultery guidance
    • Self-development tasks
    • Sexuality exploration
    • Addiction support
    • Positive affirmations
    • Cancel anytime
  • Gold Membership

    Every month
    Self discovery with bi-weekly talk.
    • Initial Consultation
    • Individual Session
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